How Diabetes Affects Your Feet

How exactly can diabetes cause me to have foot problems?

Diabetes that is uncontrolled will affect the organ systems in different ways. Peripheral neuropathy is a term commonly used to indicate an uncomfortable burning or tingling sensation in the feet. While this is correct, the term also encompasses other symptoms
related to nerve damage. The inability to feel a small pebble in your shoe to ominously not feeling a razor blade left in the bathroom is also caused by peripheral neuropathy.

Healthy nerves that regulate perspiration from sweat glands in the feet
and send motor signals telling our foot muscles and tendons when to contract and relax are also compromised in peripheral neuropathy. This can lead to dry, cracked skin, and rigid contractures of our toes leading to dangerous pressure points, respectively. Increased blood sugar circulating in the blood stream will deposit into tendons causing them to be more rigid and lead to further contractures and a less supple leg and foot.

Arteries carrying blood to your feet can also become diseased limiting blood flow needed to help heal any wound or bring antibiotics needed to treat infection. If you have diabetes, it is a good idea to see your podiatrist to be assessed for the above and also for care of your nails and calluses.

The Cause of Bunions

What causes bunions?

Bunions are an angular deformity occurring at the big toe joint. They are the result of faulty
mechanics and joint motion. They are not caused by shoes. We are born with bunion-prone feet or bunion-proof feet. Bunion-proof feet don’t have to worry. Bunion-prone feet can develop bunions over time, and how much the deformity becomes larger can be dependent on the amount of weight-bearing activity you might enjoy.

Despite this fact, it is impossible to predict just how quickly the deformity will progress, if at all. There is no scientic tool to predict how much larger your bunion might be a year from now. It is entirely possible to have a bunion on only one foot. Bunions can sometimes be painful and sometimes not. Bunions that are not painful do not require medical attention but fitting into certain types of shoes can sometimes be a problem.

Bunions that are painful can sometimes be alleviated by custom foot orthotics, however, surgical correction is often required. If you have any questions about bunions or other foot issues, your podiatrist is your best resource. No referral is required to see a podiatrist in BC.